Thursday, March 31, 2022

Kate plays the fool - again

 Kate advertises her ridiculousness while Oregonians hang their heads in embarrassment.  THIS is who we have as a Governor?  

No wonder Oregon has gone downhill. Our so-called leaders are leading the state into the crapper.  Are we ready for a serious (Republican) governor and legislature yet?  

The Florida law does not ban anyone using the word “gay” and the word does not appear anywhere in the text of the Parents’ Rights bill. The new law forbids teaching about sex or gender in grades kindergarten through 3rd grade.  Parents don’t want public school teachers talking to their kids about these topics at such a young age.  Parents are the primary teachers for their children and need to have some assurance that school teachers don’t undermine their authority.  

But Kate picks up the gay and trans rights activists’ propaganda and repeats it with the anger and passion reserved for narcissistic activists everywhere.  By twisting the truth, Kate makes herself appear too lazy or too addle-brained to look into what the Florida law is all about.  This is a common sense law that all states should adopt.  Why do teachers want to sexuality very young children?  Why do they think it is their job to explore some of these subjects at all without parent approval?  

 Am so glad my kids are grown and that they had a real childhood free of teacher union and other activists’ agendas.  I feel sorry that parents have to work harder to protect their children from the people who should be providing them a safe place to learn.  

Kate Brown’s Twitter Account:

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