Thursday, March 31, 2022

Well-heeled outsiders try to manipulate lawmakers in Salem

When I read the headline below, my heart beat a bit faster and I became excited.  Someone in Salem was finally tuned in to the problems of Antifa violence and leftist mob activity in Portland and elsewhere that has caused thousands of dollars of property damage and serious harm to humans who became targets of their rage.  

My heart sank back to a depressed, black place when I read the article and realized they were referring to right wing extremists who they associated with the Republican Party!  ??  Their solution, aimed at these “domestic terrorists” was chilling.  

The movement to criminalize political speech and activities of conservatives while ignoring or even praising the illegal (arson, assault, vandalism, rioting..) acts of the Black Bloc and the mobs they incite to riot, has come to our fair state.  Malignant Marxism has taken root and is growing fast.  

The organization that performed the Oregon audit, Center for Strategic and International Studies, is a Washington DC based left-leaning non-profit.  A check with Influence Watch shows that it’s director, Wally Adeyemo, is also president of the Obama Foundation, a senior advisor for Blackrock, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Department in the Biden Administration, and is connected to several other left-of-center think tanks and non-profits.  (The site also shows some of the organization’s key funders.)

This group has an agenda, and it’s obvious that their goal is to manipulate the law to criminalize with Federal statutes the speech and activities of people they don’t like and make others fearful of trying the same thing.  If crimes are committed during a protest, there are state and local laws to deal with them.  But label the criminal a domestic terrorist rather than a vandal, and a protester can be put in jail without representation or speedy trial and face financial ruin, just like the Jan. 6 2021 protesters who entered Congress. 

Is this group going to every state?  Or just the welcoming Blue states on the East and West Coasts?  Do we move, or fight back?  Allow these outsiders to influence lawmakers in Oregon to criminalize free speech in OUR state?  We must elect Republicans and other non-Democrats to local and state government to break the Democrat’s single-party, Marxist hold on the state.  

See scary pictures of “domestic terrorists” HERE.  

Read the BIG LIE here:

Oregon at high risk for violent extremism, could do more to prevent it, audit says

Auditors said Wednesday the state could do more to prevent these events from happening and improve coordination between levels of government and agencies grappling the threat of extremist acts, the Statesman Journal reported.

The threats have “become increasingly complex and volatile,” with people using social media and websites to propagate “extremist narratives and activity,” according to the auditor’s report.

Oregon state law doesn’t define or criminalize domestic violent extremism. Auditors suggest Oregon consider looking to other states that define domestic violent extremism or “terroristic acts” in their laws which can mean the state can charge offenders if federal standards aren’t met.

Federal law defines domestic terrorism as “acts dangerous to human life” that are illegal, primarily take place on U.S. soil and appear to intend to influence a government or intimidate people.

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