Saturday, April 2, 2022

American Nationalism worth saving

 The loss of American nationalism, American pride, optimism, shared principals and the concept of making America a country of one people out of many is tragic.  Shame on every professor, teacher, activist and disgruntled person with an axe to grind for tearing American greatness down.  Time for some sunlight, optimism, and pride in traditional American values. 

“American citizenship is eroding”

Today many condemn the idea of nationalism by connecting it to race hatred (e.g., white nationalism). But historically, the modern nation-state has proven uniquely suitable to preserving individual rights. The American nation in particular was successful in uniting individuals of different races, ethnic backgrounds, and creeds into one people based on shared principles, a unique physical space, and a common national story. Our nation is the best example in human history of positive nationalism.

The key to this benign nationalism is American citizenship, based on an understanding of American exceptionalism and formed by the American melting pot. But today, our citizenship is eroding and, along with it, American nationalism in the positive sense is disappearing.

American citizenship is eroding in three ways.

Click HERE to read the rest of this article 

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