Sunday, October 24, 2021

Freedom! Yum!

 Fight government overreach - support businesses that support freedom.  Tastes good, feels good too! 

Resistance with a side of fries

As destiny would have it, America's grand champion in the fight against vaccine mandates emerged recently from an unexpected place: In-N-Out Burger.  Not only is In-N-Out Burger empirically a good meal at a great price, but the restaurant appears more than willing to put its beliefs into action. Indeed, in one of the bluest areas of the bluest of states, one brave In-N-Out Burger refused to be the "vaccine police" and was shut down for its convictions (note: it has since re-opened).

Shortly after In-N-Out Burger made its stand, news started coming out that Chick-fil-A was also taking a stand, with signs appearing nationwide in its stores stating that it would "not discriminate against unvaccinated, religion, race, sex, vaccinated, maskless, mask" and that "all neighbors are welcome."

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