Sunday, October 24, 2021

Why meritocracy matters

 Current demands for racial equity in all facets of American economic and cultural life can only end in mediocrity or worse.  The path to real progress, excellence and fairness rests with rewarding and elevating individuals based on merit.  Our medical care is now at risk of plunging into chaos and a lowered level of care from the American Medical Association itself as it veers heavily into CRT.

The concept of using logic and objective measures to determine what works, and valuing excellence and achievement appears to be disappearing, replaced by some dopey, emotional, racist ideology that has nothing to do with reality.  I don’t know about you, but the fact that so many people are falling under the spell of this illogical Marxist garbage is very scary. 
Here are a couple of articles you will most likely not see in the mainstream media that should scare your socks off!  I have posted excerpts, but you should really read both articles in their entirety.

'Woke' medicine is coming to a hospital near you

 According to Katie Herzog, writing at Bari Weiss's Substack blog, Critical Race Theory is aggressively intruding on physicians' ability to treat patients, do research, or train the next generation of doctors.

Herzog's "What Happens When Doctors Can't Tell the Truth?" examines a world in which doctors are silenced for fear that they will be destroyed professionally should they run afoul of the Critical Race Theory infecting medical care across America and in which young doctors, imbued with "anti-racist" zeal, have the whip hand.  Herzog begins her article by describing a super-secret Zoom group of a dozen physicians across America, who serve as a support group for each other as they navigate the totalitarian world of woke medicine:

This dogma goes by many imperfect names — wokeness, social justice, critical race theory, anti-racism — but whatever it's called, the doctors say this ideology is stifling critical thinking and dissent in the name of progress. They say that it's turning students against their teachers and patients and racializing even the smallest interpersonal interactions. Most concerning, they insist that it is threatening the foundations of patient care, of research, and of medicine itself.

"People are afraid to speak honestly," said a doctor who immigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union. "It's like back to the USSR, where you could only speak to the ones you trust." If the authorities found out, you could lose your job, your status, you could go to jail or worse. The fear here is not dissimilar. 

 As another example of the generation gap, an ER doctor on the West Coast said he sees providers, particularly younger ones, applying antiracist principles in choosing how they allocate their time and which patients they choose to work with.  "I've heard examples of Covid-19 cases in the emergency department where providers go, 'I'm not going to go treat that white guy, I'm going to treat the person of color instead because whatever happened to the white guy, he probably deserves it.'"

The only way to stand up to what's happening is through collective action.  Woke people, drunk with power and the urge to avenge wrongs that predate their births, quickly form mobs that surround and destroy anyone who offends them.  The only way to end them is to out-mob them — and every American institution had better act quickly, or soon America will look like China at the height of its bloody Cultural Revolution.


From The American Mind

Woke Medicine’s Critical Harm

The American Medical Association has fallen into Marxist lockstep with Critical Race Theory.

As part of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) equity plan to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the powerful lobbying group is sponsoring 100 virtual screenings of Black Men in White Coats. The thesis of this film—which improbably boasts the U.S. Army and Navy as “corporate sponsors”—is that blacks will “continue dying” unless there are more black doctors.

The AMA apparently believes there is a link between the underrepresentation of blacks among physicians, and the capacity of doctors of other races to care for black patients. Whites are also underrepresentedamong physicians. Yet, neither the documentary nor the AMA view this disparity as cause for a similar concern.

Black Men in White Coats is emblematic of how America’s oldest and most prestigious professional organization has adopted a radical agenda that places health care at risk by subordinating merit, individual empowerment, professional standards, and the Hippocratic Oath to “first do no harm.”

Achieving optimally equitable solutions requires disruption and dismantling of existing norms, collective advocacy, and action across sectors and disciplines.

In sum, the AMA intends to remake the 18 percent of the U.S. economy comprising its health sector by imposing a Marxist, racialized vision of a pure society.

The AMA has ruthlessly suppressed any debate of its policies.

Who Will be Permitted to Become Doctors under the AMA Plan?

In order to achieve the equality of outcome envisioned by the AMA, major changes will be required in medical school admissions and health care employment. These changes will be painful for many and the side effects even worse.

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