Sunday, October 24, 2021

Uh Oh!


Monkey see, monkey do.  

If Seattle (King County)has a bad idea, how long before Portland (or Oregon) follows suit?  

If single-party California or any of its deep blue cities have a bad idea, how long before someone in Oregon notices and tries to one-up them as more woke-than-thou with crushing new regulations?   

Oregon cannot keep digging a deeper hole of government overreach that  buries our individual freedoms. Let’s hope a vaccine passport is not introduced here.  I would be encouraged if the Oregon legislature banned them altogether. Are they brave enough to stand for freedom?  Or continue lemming-like racing toward for the anti-American cultural cliff? 

PS: I will not be visiting or stopping in Seattle or any place that requires vaccine passports. Time to start undoing our regulatory morass instead and become free Oregonians again.  

Here's what you need to know about King County's COVID vaccine or test requirement starting Oct. 25

Starting Oct. 25, patrons entering most indoor businesses in King County will be required to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit a negative COVID test. 

King County health officials and elected leaders announced the order last month, saying it was a logical next step in combating the spread of the coronavirus — 


Places that BAN vaccine passports:


The U.S. States Where Covid Vaccine Mandates Are Banned and Allowed

And a total of 21 states ban 'vaccine passports' to some extent according to NASHP, though the extent to which this is enforced will vary. These states are Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Arkansas, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Iowa, Missouri, Alaska, Mississippi, Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.

Some states have gone in the other direction. In New York City, for example, everyone aged 12 or above is required to show identification and proof of at least one vaccine dose if they want to access establishments for indoor dining, nightclubs, coffee shops, and bars.

This also includes gyms, movie theaters, and music venues. It's called the Key to NYC and also means employees at these establishments must be vaccinated.

Passports are also in place in Hawaii and California, according to NASHP.

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