Friday, November 22, 2013

The Market or Metro: when enough is too much

This one's a bit old, but interesting considering Metro may have been thinking that the region had too many Town Centers.  But the idea that how a town grows (or not) should be so minutely manipulated by any government is absurd.  Government is good at making rules and making others follow them, but it is not good at business or understanding the market.  If it was, then Obamacare should be a roaring success!  With minimal regulation, the market works best.  Do Central Planners know what minimal is, or when enough is too much?

November 5, 2010  4:00 PM

Centers discussion centers in on substance

What should decide what communities are designated as town or regional centers – the Metro Council or the free market?
In a Thursday afternoon worksession, councilors grappled with the idea that the market might be getting saturated with too many town and regional centers, areas targeted for increased development and accompanying transportation improvements.

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