Thursday, November 21, 2013

PC holds hearing on WEB re-zoning Monday 11/25

From the Lake Oswego Review, 11/21/13

City Notes:

WEST END BUILDING — The Lake Oswego Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the proposed rezoning of the city’s West End Building property, at 4101 Kruse Way.
The proposal stems from the city’s plan to sell the WEB for $16.5 million to a California-based investment company with offices in Sherwood. The sale is contingent on the city approving a zone change from office campus and high-density residential use to general commercial use by April 1.
The city bought the WEB from Safeco Insurance for $20 million in July 2006 in hopes of using it for a community center that never came to fruition.
The commission is scheduled to meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at city hall, 380 A Ave.

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