Friday, November 22, 2013

City Council Public Hearing on Comp Plan Nears

Important meeting to attend regarding the comp plan.  The Council needs to hear your concers.  They are set to approve Parts 1and 2 and have precious little time to hear last minute thoughts.  To see the comp plan materials, do a search on the city's website and use the resolution numbers below (LU 13-0010  and  LU 13-0045).

City Council Meeting
Tuesday, December 3
6:30 PM

  1. Public Hearings
    •   Continued Deliberation on Comp Plan Update Part 1 (LU 130010), Resolution 1360, Preliminarily approving the Comp Plan Update Part 1
    •   Resolution 1367, Preliminarily approving the Comp Plan Update Part 2 (Community Health and Public Safety; Land Use Planning; Urbanization) (LU 130045

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