Lake Oswego Citizens' Action League
LOCAL is reaching out, asking questions about issues people care about. The organization recently did a nonscientific survey around attitudes surrounding g the Wizer Block Development and related issues. The results are on their website and include both the survey questions and respondents' comments. LOCAL presented the results of the survey to the Development Review Commission at the hearing on the Wizer Block permit application.
It appears that LOCAL is the one group in town that walks the talk - making citizen concerns a top priority, and doing so in an objective, non-partisan way. Thanks for asking.
The project as now planned is projected to have a total of about 215 to 228 apartments and condos. Is this
number of units?
Number of
Answer Response(s) Response Ratio
About right 75 21.0 %
Too many 271 76.1 %
Too little 3 <1 span="">
No Response(s) 7 1.9 %

About right 75 21.0 %
Too many 271 76.1 %
Too little 3 <1 span="">
No Response(s) 7 1.9 %
People don't like what the planners are pushing - What a surprise!
ReplyDeleteNassett did a survey in North Portland ten years ago and found similar results on a lightly different topic. http://www.portlandfacts.com/smart/stjohnslombard.htm
I did a similar survey on building size in NE Fremont street and got the same rejection of planner's schemes. http://www.BEAUMONTPLAN.com/Survey04b-Report-02.PDF
And in 2002 the region votes against high density: http://www.portlandfacts.com/smart/metrodensityvote.htm
more planning facts at http://www.portlandfacts.com