Monday, November 21, 2022

Want to be inspired? LISTEN


This conversation is the antidote to the demagoguery being spewed by our cultural institutions today.  If, like me you are in need of some intelligence, clear thinking and courage, check out this website and set aside the time to be reinvigorated!  

Use this link to find “Not Buying It” on Uncommon Knowledge, a podcast from the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, 


Not Buying It: Glenn Loury, Ian Rowe, and Robert Woodson Debunk Myths about the Black Experience in America

In this wide-ranging conversation, Glenn Loury, Ian Rowe, and Robert Woodson debunk The 1619 Project, advocate for the restoration of the Black family and the Black church, describe their own very different upbringings and formative experiences, and discuss the many reasons why they are optimistic about the future of Black Americans, despite the narrative commonly expressed in the media.

Monday, July 25, 2022  22 min readinterview with Peter M. Robinson, Glenn Loury

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