Monday, November 21, 2022

Oregon’s Nanny State

 Those who voted Yes on Measure 114 don’t trust you.  They will say it isn’t you - that the gun control measure is just to prevent crazies from getting firearms, but if that is what they really believe, they are kidding themselves.  Law-abiding gun owners don’t need more laws to keep others safe; those who don’t follow laws don’t care what the laws say.  Cross your fingers that legal challenges to the new law will succeed and our 2nd amendment rights will be restored.  What else can theDems take away from us?  ALOT!  


newly filed federal lawsuit argues Oregon’s Measure 114, due to go into effect next month, violates the Second Amendment. Read the full text of the complaint, filed by the Oregon Firearms Federation, below.

Text of lawsuit as filed in federal court.

The plaintiffs seek a court-ordered injunction that would bar the measure from becoming law and a court ruling that Measure 114 is unconstitutional. If a judge isn’t inclined to prevent the entire measure from taking effect, the plaintiffs ask that the court in the alternative at least bar the restriction on gun magazine capacity.

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