Friday, June 17, 2022

If you live in Oregon - you are NOT living your best life

The perils of living in a one-party state - it's now their way or the highway.  However, the highway now appears to be leading out of the state instead of in.  In 2021, 20% more people moved out of the state than moved here.  Portland lost about 11,000 people to the suburbs, other parts of the state and other states.  Gee.  Who could have predicted that.   Government has become an impediment to a high quality of life.  

The website, Freedom in the 50 States, created by the CATO Institute, measures and tracks the freedom or lack of it in all 50 states on a variety of indices.  The very sad fact is that Oregon, my Oregon, ranks in the bottom 5 overall.  

Check out the categories to see how Oregon rates and read the analysis for the state.  So sad.  For the people who weren't here before Californians took over in the 70s, it was a wonderful, wild and more importantly, live-and-let-live place.  

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