Sunday, June 12, 2022

Don’t be fooled!

Even if it seem the rest of the world is going in one direction, you are not wrong to question prevailing destructive ideologies. Your duty is to defend and restore healthy norms that I’ll strengthen society and create happier, more stable human beings. 

Gender identity instruction harms children. Fight back against this pervasive anti-child ideology.  

There is no question about it, but progressive activists and compromised institutions deny it and are actively engaged in gaslighting the public into believing otherwise.  WHY?  

If a population can be persuaded to believe something that is impossible, they are ripe to believe that what those in control are selling is worth buying into.  Being controlled means freedom from having to decide what to be or do.  We all want freedom, don’t we?  

How did we get to a place where our culture does not actively protect its children?  And condemn those who treat kids as pawns for their perverted agendas?  

If you have children or know someone who does, pass along a link to the The American College of Pediatricians’ website:

Gender Ideology Harms Children

The American College of Pediatricians urges healthcare professionals, educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.

Another important article on the subject from Education News:

Educator Resources|Education & Information Age Education News

How the transgender agenda harms children

Feb 21, 2017

Today we are publishing excerpts from a brief by Dr Judith Reisman, founder of the Child Protection Institute and a  research professor at Liberty University School of Law. She is an internationally recognised expert on child sexual abuse and the influence of sexologist Alfred Kinsey.

Despite studies showing that 80 to 95 percent of children who report dissonance between their perceived gender and biological sex find that their perceived gender and biological sex correspond by late adolescence, medical protocols for “transgender” children are calling for earlier intervention with puberty- suppressing drugs and cross-sex hormones. These protocols create irreversible sterility and other life-changing effects to which the children, as minors with immature brains, are unable to give informed consent. Nor can their parents give “informed” consent to such protocols as the long-term consequences of these early interventions are unknown.

Children are not legally capable of giving consent. Even if it could be assumed, arguendo, that parents can consent on behalf of their children, they still cannot give informed consent because the hazards and the effects upon children’s health have not been scientifically determined and therefore cannot be known prior to treatment. By advocating for the inclusion of gender identity in Title IX for elementary and secondary students, the Departments are placing the government’s imprimatur on human experimentation and involuntary sterilization of children wholly bereft of informed consent. Such disregard for the health and safety of children as well as the rule of law should not be given any effect by this Court.

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