Monday, April 18, 2022

Kurt Vonnegut’s foray into the absurdity of Wokeism

 Perhaps today’s Woksters got their ideas from Kurt Vonnegut, not realizing his stories were dystopian satire and not a blueprint for the New WorldOrder.  

Kurt Vonnegut's Short Story "Harrison Bergeron"

It is the year 2081, and all people have been made 'equal' through the use of physical and mental handicaps. The United States Constitution mandates this equality in the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments, and the law is enforced by Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General.

From Wikipedia:

"Harrison Bergeron" is a dystopian science-fiction short story by American writer  Kurt Vonnegut, first published in October 1961. Originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, the story was republished in the author's Welcome to the Monkey House collection in 1968.

Listen to this story on the NPR podcast Selected Shorts:  

The World According To Vonnegut

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