Monday, April 18, 2022

Equal in slavery

 What Vonnegut understood in 1961 was known to our country’s founders and admirers of freedom.  

The following article from The American Thinker is worth reading.

Equality in Freedom or Equality in Slavery?

It was Alexis de Tocqueville saying this in the 1830s.  He also said, "Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom."  (Tocqueville laid out his thinking on democracy in Democracy in America.)

That anything recorded nearly two hundred years ago regarding equality, democracy, and socialism could be hitting the nail on the head today may surprise the "woke."  But the awakehave always been aware to some degree that equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are mutually exclusive.  The difference between them was clearly understood by our first activists who undertook to found a new country, America.  These were men who had fought dictatorial rule and dedicated their lives and their fortunes to establishing a country where equality with libertymay thrive — not just for themselves, but for future generations (us, for example).  And to that purpose they bequeathed us an instrument for remaining equally free instead of equally enslaved: our Constitution.  

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