Thursday, March 24, 2022

Wish I hadn’t had all those shots

 I didn’t realize how different the new vaccines are from those I had in the past.  I was perhaps too trusting of the medical establishment and hadn’t adjusted my perceptions of 20-60 years ago when one’s care was managed by their local family doctor.  Ours lived 3 houses away and played bridge with my parents monthly.  He even made house calls.  Vaccines and penicillin were game changers in my childhood with many more to follow.  

While news stories about the side effects of Covid-19 vaccines have been distressing, new studies suggest they can wreak havoc with the immune system itself, creating a negative efficacy rate. More detailed studies may be difficult to do since the medical industry is hesitant about publishing bad news.  Liability, or bad press for getting people to take more shots?

Click HERE to read the entire article.

Horowitz: Record infections in super-vaxxed UK seniors as double-vaxxed show negative efficacy against COVID death

The Blaze

By Daniel Horowitz, March 22, 2022

In fact, cases are surging in many European countries, and U.K. seniors are now experiencing record numbers. “Covid infections surge to record high for over-70s in UK” was the title of a Financial Times article from Friday. But how can there be record infections precisely after nearly every senior was vaccinated and 90% were boosted, even though many already have had prior infection? Or are the record infections because of the shots, not despite them, and does this mean that they are preventing people from achieving immunity?

Although the shots do offer some protection for some people against critical illness for a certain period of time, numerous data points have shown that the protection not only wanes but goes negative. The U.K. data now shows that the double-vaccinated have negative protection and the triple-vaxxed are headed in that direction.

When it comes to case rates, the U.K. is now reporting that in some age cohorts, the triple-jabbed are more than four times as likely to test positive, which would net an efficacy rate of -300%!

Are the shots sliding back people’s natural immunity and creating some form of original antigenic sin and antibody dependent disease enhancement, in which the shots wipe out their T cells and innate immunity, thereby preventing them from enjoying durable immunity from prior infection? In other words, can this keep going forever in a vicious cycle of more cases inducing more vaccine campaigns, which in turn create more infections? 

A recent study from Stanford published in Cell might shed light on this phenomenon. Researchers observed a decreased immune response to new variants among those vaccinated for the original strain because the shots are teaching the body to respond improperly. “We find that prior vaccination with Wuhan-Hu-1-like antigens followed by infection with Alpha or Delta variants gives rise to plasma antibody responses with apparent Wuhan-Hu-1-specific imprinting manifesting as relatively decreased responses to the variant virus epitopes, compared with unvaccinated patients infected with those variant viruses,” observed the Stanford pathologists. They note that the extent to which this causes original antigenic sin “will be an important topic of ongoing study.” 

Contrast the week 11 report to the week 5 report from just six weeks ago. You will see that in most age groups, the case rates among the triple-vaxxed were between 1.5 and 2 times greater, not between 3 and 4 times greater as they are today.

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