Thursday, March 24, 2022

Whose children?

 A new documentary explains what is going on in most public and a lot of private schools today.  School isn’t the place kids go for academic instruction anymore - it’s not at all the way parents remember their childhood classrooms.  

My kids are grown, but if they were in school today, I’d either have them in a school that respects parental rights and sticks to academics, or I would home school, probably in conjunction with other like-minded parents. The stakes are just too high. Parents cannot trust the system to deliver an agenda-free education to their kids.  It’s embedded in university teacher education classes, the textbooks teachers must use and in the air they breath once they set foot inside the classroom doors. Children now belong to the system - to the government and the schools they operate.  How long do you think home schooling or non-conforming curriculum will be allowed?  

CLICK HERE for The Federalist podcast nerviest with the documentary’s creator.  

The Deep Roots Of K-12 CorruptionMar 16, 2022

On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Deborah Flora, president and founder of Parents United America, joins Federalist Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss her new documentary "Whose Children Are They?” which exposes the radicalization of U.S. public schools. 

View trailer on YouTube - Click HERE

Search Fandango for local theaters.  For Lake Oswego readers, the movie is playing Wednesday, March 30th at 7:00 pm at the Bridgeport Regal Cinemas.  

WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY? is the groundbreaking and powerfully persuasive documentary featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.

This film will be the starting point for a full cultural conversation about the need to return to the original intent of education, not indoctrination. “Whose Children Are They?” will inform and equip parents, teachers, grandparents and concerned citizens, to partner together for the innocence and well-being of our children. It will also educate all education stakeholders on the corrupting influence of teachers’ unions, and the vital importance of removing them from our schools, in addition to educating parents on the need to stand with good teachers, and empower teachers to stage a mass Union Exit.

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