Friday, March 4, 2022

VP explains it all

Elections may have consequences, but we really do not deserve THIS!  

New York Post  March 1, 2022

Kamala Harris mocked for child-like explanation of Russia-Ukraine war

Kamala Harris just took dumbing down to a whole new level.

During an appearance on the syndicated “Morning Hustle” radio program, Harris was asked by co-host Headkrack to explain the conflict “in layman’s terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how can this directly affect the people of the United States?”

Speaking slowly, Harris began, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.” 

It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

“Apparently Vice President Kamala Harris believes the average American layperson is aged 4,” seethed The Federalist publisher Ben Domenech. “You will hear higher levels of explanation of international affairs in Peppa Pig.”

Former Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway called Harris’ statement “embarrassing” and added, “No wonder staffers smarter than her have quit.”

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