Thursday, March 3, 2022

Unbelievable! Mayor Pete indulges in corrupt Greenwashing

 Without any moral hesitancy, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg glibly sacrifices humanity for his warped Utopian Green ideals.  In practice, he and people like him are in power and consider the loss of life and ability to survive an acceptable and anticipated cost of their transformation away from fossil fuels.  There is no wisdom, foresight or restraint for people like Pete who obviously do not have our country’s interests at heart, but assumes the mantle of imperialism just the same.

To paraphrase Barack Obama, “This is not who we are.”

..“we are in the middle of a long-term transformation that is already fast underway” away from oil.   — Pete Buttigieg  February, 2022

Watch this video—

Pete Buttigieg Says Buying Oil From Iran is “On the Table” – As Biden Imposes Restrictions on Domestic Drilling (VIDEO)

DCWeekly  By Christopher Dunlop, March 3, 2022

Small-town-mayor-turned-Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg appeared on MSNBC Wednesday evening to discuss soaring gas prices and what the Biden Regime is doing to ease the pain at the pump.

Buttigieg regurgitated Democrat talking points about ‘green energy’ and offered no real solutions.

Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline and halted new oil and gas leases.

Meanwhile, the US is still importing Russian oil despite Putin’s threats of nuclear war on the West.

Now the Biden Regime is open to buying oil from Iran.

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle asked Buttigieg if Biden could possibly consider authorizing the Keystone pipeline or “working something out with Iran.”

“All options are on the table,” Buttigieg said.

Then he dropped this gem…

“We have to make sure we’re not galloping after permanent solutions to immediate short term problems,” Buttigieg said.

God help us.

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