Friday, March 25, 2022

Bring back Walt!

Why do people fold when challenged by a mob of angry activists?  These woke lunatics are not the majority yet they wield a lot of psychological power with their Alinsky-style antics. It may be uncomfortable, but it isn’t impossible to stand up to bullies.  Shame on Disney Corp.  what would Walt say?

As a fan of The Wonderful World of Disney on TV every Sunday night, and the Mouseketeers on weekdays, and a once-in-a lifetime trip to  Anaheim in 1959, my heart breaks that kids and families can’t go to such places to just have fun.  I don’t think anyone cared what political party the kid in the next teacup was.  The point was to turn our cup faster than his without barfing or falling down afterwards.

‘They Call Their Fellow Employees Bigots’: Conservatives At Disney Issue Open Statement Detailing Hostile Work Environment

As LGBT employees at Disney get ready to stage a walkout on March 22 over Disney’s attempt to remain neutral on Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill, conservative staffers have issued an open letter of their own.

Published Monday and provided to The Daily Wire in advance, the authors reveal that they do not feel safe in their jobs and say that Disney has “come to be an increasingly uncomfortable place to work for those of us whose political and religious views are not explicitly progressive.” The staffers say they’ve watched silently as Disney villainizes and condemns political leaders who share their opinions:

Over the last few weeks, we have watched as our leadership has expressed their condemnation for laws and policies we support. We have watched as our colleagues, convinced that no one in the company could possibly disagree with them, grow increasingly aggressive in their demands. They insist that TWDC [The Walt Disney Company] take a strong stance on not only this issue but other legislation and openly advocate for the punishment of employees who disagree with them…

One of the employees, who works in the Imagineering department designing attractions in Disney theme parks, told The Daily Wire that he’s had three close colleagues leave his division in just the last nine months because of the increasingly hostile work environment. “No matter what department or what segment, we’ve been watching the [diversity, equity, and inclusion] takeover of Disney accelerate to breakneck speeds, and God help you if you get caught standing in front of the train.”

Another, an engineer, described the open letter as “kind of a last-ditch effort to appeal to senior leadership that may agree with us but lack the courage to say anything because they feel all alone themselves.”

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