Friday, March 25, 2022

America is changing in ways we didn’t vote for

Whether you know anything about it, whether you like it or not, America is in the throes of a dramatic transformation.  The only thing that can save our freedoms is that enough people become aware of what is happening soon enough and can do enough to stop it.  This is the reason I write this blog.  It’s my duty, my purpose to fight for ethical governance and individual liberty and freedom.

SEC Eyes Forcing Companies To Disclose Data On ‘Social’ Issues, Sparking ‘Politicization’ Concerns

“Think deeply about the possible impact on our democratic structure if the corporation is used to engineer social change.”

Weeks into the Biden administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is mulling a larger focus on the “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) actions of publicly-traded companies — amorphous categories that one industry official said could lead to “politicizing the role of the corporation” that “will inevitably alienate not only a large portion of a company’s customer base but a significant percentage of the company’s workforce.”

Democrat AGs Want To Push Companies Into Revealing ‘Climate Change’ Prevention Plans

Thirteen Democratic state attorneys general want to force companies into revealing their efforts to fight climate change.

The letter — which is signed by the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Maryland, and Wisconsin — demands that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) push companies into more transparency over climate-related issues.

Elon Musk Condemns Rising Woke Trend In Corporate America

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk condemned “ESG” standards — a growing trend in corporate America to make businesses more “socially conscious.”

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are “a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments,” according to Investopedia. For instance, a company may emphasize its use of green energy, association with LGBTQ suppliers, or otherwise arrange its operations such that producing shareholder value is inseparable from a leftist agenda.

When software engineer and entrepreneur Marc Andreessen criticized ESG funds’ willingness to “make the weapons required to fight wars with hostile regimes we buy energy from” and simultaneous refusal to invest in energy companies, Musk pointed out that “ESG rules have been twisted into insanity.”

Republican SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce told The Daily Wire last year that the environmental and social categories are both “quite unclear,” and may be “driven by people who want to know the information for other reasons.”

As The Daily Wire explained last summer, “activist investors” have long sought to reform troubled companies by taking over upper management. However, some modern “activist investors” are — quite literally — “activists.” Beyond increasing firms’ profits, fund managers are pressuring companies resistant to systemic change into adopting ESG criteria.

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