Saturday, February 5, 2022

What to do to Retake America

 What parents 

(and anyone who cares about kids and our country’s future) need to do now:

FIND OUT what is supposed to happen AND what is actually happening in your child’s school.  Trust but verify. Don’t be intimidated by obstacles - keep asking until you find out all you need to know.  

BE LOUD AND UNAFRAID TO SPEAK UP.   Let other parents know what you find out. Form a group of parents to challenge the district together. Contact the local press - administrators hate publicity about what they are doing!  Be willing to have your name attached to your objections - once you do, it is amazing how many other people will join your cause.  

CHALLENGE YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT IN COURT!  School administrators are famous for allowing parents to believe what they are doing is legal when the opposite is true.  Parents must look up what rights they and their children have and actively and loudly exercise them. 

GET YOUR KIDS OUT!  If your child’s school isn’t academically-oriented, doesn’t allow parent input or opt-outs, then you need to leave.  If things change in the future, you can go back, but It could take years to reverse course on the power the education system has assumed over children - too long for parents to surrender even one year of their kids’ minds. 

FOLLOW THE MONEY.  Public schools are funded by the number of students enrolled and who show up.  If the threat of a mass exodus becomes too great, the district will have to yield — but only enough to get back the number of bodies they need.  When the heat dies down, things will go back to whatever the district wants - they will just be sneakier about how they do it.  

RUN FOR OFFICE - both local and state level.  Push the state legislature for changes and lobby for vouchers, but don’t wait for change.  In Oregon and other blue states you could be waiting forever.  Your kids, grandkids, and your neighbor’s kids don’t have that long. 

The Single Best Thing Americans Can Do to Retake America

Townhall,  By Dennis Prager, June 8, 2021

The most frequent question people pose to me is: What can I/we do to fight back against the nihilistic anti-American destruction of virtually all the country's major institutions?

There is an answer.

The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America -- against its freedoms, its schools, its families, its children, its governmental institutions, its sports, its news and entertainment media, its medical establishment, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department and the military -- is to take their children out of America's schools.

You are fooling yourself if you think the odds are that after attending American schools from kindergarten through college (not to mention through graduate school), your child will turn out well-educated, intellectually alive, rational, kind, happy, well-adjusted, grateful to be American and respectful of you and your values.

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