Saturday, February 5, 2022

Secrecy is killing public education

How does Lake Oswego School District “educate “ children?  

What is happening in other Oregon schools that parents don’t know about or object to?  

We all have to face the fact that public education is a different world today and parents are outsiders.  The education machine has assumed complete control over what they think students of any age should be taught.  How did this situation get so out of hand?  It took years of trusting in a tradition of academic education that didn’t exist, and minimizing the signs that political indoctrination was occurring.  Who dares challenge the kind teacher who loves “their” kids?  The term, “it’s for the children” has taken on a new meaning that few are willing to admit.  Hopefully times are changing, but is public education too far gone?  

How is what Beaverton School District doing even legal

Can this school district be saved? 

Dad Calls Out School's 'Lack of Transparency' With Social Justice Lesson

A father of an Oregon elementary school student has sought legal counsel following the removal of his child without his permission from her classroom during lessons of a social justice curriculum initiative.

"Just to reiterate, my primary concern at first about the 21-Day Social Justice Challenge wasn't about the books or videos. I was concerned about what kind of conversation they were going to have around these," Myers told Newsweek.

He said it was the principal's alleged refusal to provide information and her vague replies through email, along with an unwillingness to allow him to even join in (in person or virtually) that became the bigger issue.

"All they provided was links to videos," Myers explained. "I wanted to know what are the questions and learning targets they're trying to meet."

When Newsweek reached out to Moffett to inquire about the components of the 21-Day Social Justice Challenge and about the situation that occurred with Myers' daughter, [Erroll Hassell Elementary School Principal, Cynthia] Moffett abruptly hung up.

Myers said he received more resistance when he asked for further specifics beyond the initiative's basic topics and resources—like standards, structure and assessment. He said he was directed to the school district's "All Students Belong" policy, its Equity and Inclusion web page, and its "Antiracist Vision Statement."

The kerfuffle surrounding Errol Hassell's social justice initiative isn't the first time parents of students in the Beaverton School District have questioned transparency when it comes to classroom instruction.

In late January, some parents were caught off guard to learn that a Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA) club for fourth and fifth-grade students had been formed at Raleigh Hills Elementary School.

The club was presented by fifth-graders and a social worker as one that would "have conversations about identity, gender, equal rights, and social issues" and would "explore LGBTQ+ history and activism" and "advocate for change in our schools and community."

After fourth-graders were presented with a short slideshow explaining the club's formation, a sign-up sheet was sent around to collect signatures from students to take part.

Bambi Russell's fourth-grade daughter signed up just like most of the other kids, except for one particularly vocal student who insisted he couldn't pen his name without his parents' permission, she told Newsweek.

"I'm usually neutral and I'm very open-minded to all things but after he told me about this he was just upset," said Koepal of her 10-year-old son, who refused the club's invitation. "I was proud of him for not folding. To know he didn't want to be a part I thought was very courageous of him," she told Newsweek.

"The District does not have any Board policy that requires parental permission for any aged student to participate in student groups or clubs nor does Board policy require the District to inform parents regarding the content or availability of student groups or clubs," Bailey-Shah also said in her email to Newsweek. "The club is student-run and plans to meet during lunch recess; a staff member will supervise during the meetings but won't be leading or facilitating."

Russell, who was allegedly told by the principal she was a "distraction" when she tried to sit in on her daughter's Zoom classes, felt her frustration with school administrators reached a boiling point

"School is supposed to be academic based," Russell said. "I asked for academic help...and I was given a list of tutors to pay for. Now you're going to present something totally inappropriate for her age without giving me anything to opt-out of?"   .. "It's secretive. Secrecy is a very huge part of it."

"It is unreal, that's the best thing you can say to concerned parents? I mean, give me a break," said Koepal, who noted her "very social child" who usually loves his friends and school has apparently now been talking more and more about wanting to be home-schooled.

Jessica Good, a parent of a seventh-grader in the school district, gave Newsweek examples of allegedly inappropriate content her son has received during his education.

Good said she started noticing a shift in the curriculum once he transitioned to middle school, which included more lessons related to sexual education, and Language Arts book talks exploring readings about "a boy who is swimming in whiteness" and the "secrets about a girl wishing she was a boy." She said that some of the content she saw during remote learning looked to be linked to college curriculum. .. "There are conversations I was planning to have with him in late high school but now I'm being forced to have discussions with him now. It's destabilizing children and confusing them and making them into these immutable beings."

"Parents, they don't know what's happening—that's the most frustrating thing of all," Good added. "If everybody knew what was going on they would take some issue with it."

"They got rid of local school committee and site councils (made up of parents and community members and the principal and administrators) and so you can't have a dialog anymore," said [former Beaverton Wchool Board member, Sarah] Smith. "It's eliminated the back and forth dialog completely."

Myers, like Russell, Good, Koepal and Smith, noted their main desire is for their school kids to be taught academics and get as caught up as possible after the educational disruptions they experienced during the pandemic.

"That's all we're asking—get back to the basics," said Smith. "Stop doing one-sided discussion on politics and social and moral perspectives when you are a publicly-funded organization."

"Our biggest concern is that our teachers honestly feel that they can do a better job educating our kids than us," she added. "They're supplementing as they see fit."

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