Monday, February 21, 2022

Power Grab by the Administrative State

 Will the car you buy in the future belong to you, or will the technocrats in the ballooning administrative state have ultimate control of it and your individual mobility?  This is part of the Biden Build Back Better plan.  

BTW - Biden didn’t come up with the term, “Build Back Better” — it’s part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset plan for global governance.  But that’s a subject for another day.  One dystopian topic at a time.  

Find more podcasts on the Federalist website.

Hosted by Emily Jashinsky
With guest Matthew Mehan

On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Dr. Matthew Mehan, director of academic programs for Hillsdale in Washington D.C. and assistant professor of government for the Van Andel Graduate School of Government, joins Federalist Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss what happens when governments use their “kill switch” emergency powers to control their citizens.

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