Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Cashless = Serfdom

 A cashless society is a truly frightening prospect.  It CAN happen here, and some parts of this transformation are already under way.   Everyone should understand what is happening and the end game. Check out the Swiss America website and call for your free copy of the white paper, “the Secret War.” 

                                             THE SECRET WAR

What the “War on Cash”
Is Doing To Your Income,
Savings, Life and Liberty,
And How To Survive It 


Craig R. Smith

Lowell Ponte


Swiss America Trading Corporation
15018 North Tatum Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85032

800-289-2646 https://www.swissamerica.com 

Copyright © 2019 by P2 Publishing. All rights reserved. 

The government of the United States and many of its global allies are fighting a secret war – a war to destroy your right to own and use cash. 

You need to know why this war is underway, how its battles are being intensified and fought, and what WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) – call them Weapons of Cash Destruction – are being used to separate you forever from your tangible money.


Another website warning of the same dangers:

What are the Disadvantages of a Cashless Society?

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