Sunday, January 30, 2022

Weird weather

The sun is out but temperature is chilly here in Lake Oswego.  It’s not weird -it’s winter.  40+ years ago we were told the Earth was going to get colder.  “Global Cooling” started the fearball rolling along with “Peak Oil” and the “Population Bomb”.  Malthus would be impressed with humans’ ability to scare themselves silly.  

A recent iteration of global warming (tossed in the dustbin years ago) is GLOBAL WEIRDING.  As if “Climate Change” didn’t cover whatever nature threw at us, new terms have to be invented to keep us on our toes.  Why not use scientific terminology to describe a meteorological process —perhaps “)et stream wiggle-wobble.”  Gets my attention, but doesn’t paralyze me with fear.

From the Urban Dictionary:

The newest hip term for "Climate Change" which relpaced "Global Warming" which, actually, are both being slowly replaced with "Global Wierding" after the earth stopped warming and began a cooling trend that started in 1999.
In this latest edition of "Global Warming/Climate Change/Global Weirding", Climate Chaos will bring wars throughout the world due to migration from famine, water shortages, declining crop yields, floods, rain, snow, sleet, heat waves, earthquakes, tornadoes, waterfalls, softball-sized-hail, hurricanes, droughts, etc..
If we don't stop driving our SUV's and cut carbon emissions we will be destined for World War III because of all the mass migrations that will ensue from the upcoming climate chaos.

Below is a scientific definition of Global Weirding - with graphics and a clear explanation of how the jet stream functions.  

Climate Change is Leading to Global "Weirding," Not Just Global Warming

Spectrum News, February 28, 202

According to the National Weather Service, some sort of winter weather alert was in effect for 8 days, 23 hours, and 23 minutes. In addition, the Associated Press reported that 80 people died as a result of the arctic outbreak.

The term that grabbed my interest was "global weirding." Climate change is not only about global warming and warm weather events. Global warming can lead to cold weather events, too. In fact, it can lead to all sorts of weird or unsusual weather.

To see how, lets look to the jet stream. The jet stream is a river of air that circles the globe. It also carries storms from west to east around the globe. The polar jet stream separates the frigid polar air from the more temperate mid-latitude air.

Climate Change is Leading to Global "Weirding," Not Just Global Warming


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