Sunday, January 30, 2022

Education or indoctrination?

 I became a teacher in 1974, unaware that I was entering a system of intentional cultural change that predated my lifetime by decades.  I naively thought I was there to transfer knowledge and get young people to use their minds to think for themselves while respecting their families’ beliefs. I balked when situational ethics, values education, relativism, self-esteem rewards for everyone were introduced.  I never joined the union. 

Beginning in the mid-80s I steered my own children away from agenda-driven teachers and academically weak curriculum.  I joined groups that fought “fuzzy math” and “whole language.”  Long before the concept of learning pods came on the scene, I recruited friends to teach summer classes for small groups that included grammar, art, writing, vocabulary and more.  Summer was the time to fill in the holes of what was supposed to be one of the best public school systems in Oregon. The task would be impossible now because the system has become so rotten.  

If I had school-age children today I would find a private school or home school curriculum that honored my values and used a rigorous curriculum free of pedological fads. At stage, the public school system cannot be saved.  

How long will it be before parents are squeezed out of all options other than public schools?  Will government ban any school or home school curriculum that doesn’t meet its own cultural agenda?

Who owns the children?   

“The Miseducation of America” on Fox Nation is a great 5-part documentary on the history of progressive influence in public education. Use the link below to sign in to watch the series. Free trial available.  

The Miseducation of America 

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