Monday, January 17, 2022

The scariest scenario the US is not prepared for!

Do you trust the US government to keep us safe?  Neither do I.  

So who is going to save us from a predictable disaster in the making - EMPs?

All Americans must convince our infantile, squabbling “leaders” at the state and local levels to prepare for threats to our electric grid.  It’s up to us - we who live in reality - to drag others out of their ignorance and avoidance into the cold, hard world where existential dangers other than being called by the wrong pronoun exist, and no one cares what your race or gender is when actual survival is at stake.  

Everything you need to know - and what you would rather not know - about the real and present dangers of Electric Magnetic Pulses can be found on the EMP Task Force website.  

Don’t run away - learn about the problem and how easy it would be to solve, if only our leaders cared. 

The EMP Task Force

The Task Force on National and Homeland Security is an official Congressional Advisory Board recognized as such by the Ethics Committee under the name “The Task Force on National and Homeland Security” and as a Virginia based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the name “EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security”.  As such, Task Force on National and Homeland Security receives no Congressional funding and operates solely on donations.

EMP Taskforce on National and Homeland Security

The threat of the U.S. power grid crashing is a very real but preventable problem but the average American has no idea of the severity of vulnerability under which we live.  Experts say our power grid can be destroyed and, when that happens, 70-90% of the U.S. population will die within the first year.  Experts also say it is not a mere possibility but a near certainty that the grid will be hit and it could happen at any time.  Six Congressional Blue Ribbon Commissions and several independent research organizations agree with those statements.  There are relatively inexpensive solutions to address the vulnerabilities of our electric grid and other critical infrastructures.  Our website seeks to educate the American people regarding what is facing us and what can be done.


We use electricity for almost every aspect of modern life. In our current state of unpreparedness, it is not a question of if, but WHEN, the grid collapses. When the U.S. grid collapses from a major incidence, there will be no food, water, sewage, gas, gasoline, medical services, or communications in large sections of the U.S. for years. If anyone in America doubts this, the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and other governmental and non-governmental organizations urge the American people to get the facts. Whatever you do, do not let the utilities industry decide for you.

Vision Statement

At the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, we believe the citizens and the local, state and national governments of the United States of America can come together to save lives by protecting our electric power and our critical infrastructures – including water & wastewater, communications, emergency services, transportation, healthcare & public health, food & agriculture, energy, banking & finance – against any and all threats, including cyber, physical attacks, extreme solar weather, and non-nuclear and nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Together, we can save lives and protect America by taking action at the personal, local, state and national levels.

A Call to Action for America 


What U.S. Leaders Must Do to Deter a Catastrophic Sino-Russian Cyber/EMP/Nuclear Attack and Ensure America’s National Survival


Q: How Did We Became So Vulnerable?

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