Friday, January 14, 2022

Social scores - Not just a conspiracy theory anymore

 I wish this was a case of hyperbole. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up in a world where personal freedom and defending our Constitutional rights were universal values.  The changes that we are experiencing today have been in the works for decades.  More and more dots are connecting and the shape of things to come is being revealed,  Is it too late to change what seems inevitable? Are the elites who control this diabolical movement too strong for the masses to fight?  Especially when our energy, food, our homes, possessions, work and freedom are at stake?  

Read about ESGs - Environmental Social and Governance Scores.  Originally developed to rate businesses, they are now being used by some financial firms to rate customers and their use will spread.  Don’t just skim the article, read the whole thing and then do research on ESGs for yourself.  

Have you changed your browser from Google yet?  If you want to get a more varied response to your internet searches you must use another browser. 


How to Calculate Your Individual ESG Score

ESG covers a range of issues, including the overall environmental impact a company or its services imparts in addition to diversity, human rights, and other social issues. Governance plays a role as well. Every company will have an ESG rating which is considered their ESG score.

Investors and other companies use this to help determine partnership, investment, and even takeover decisions.

You may know all about your credit score, but an individual ESG score is still rather new. Many mainstream financial institutions are creating a new platform that is centered on ESG scores.

In addition to creating this platform, their lending guidelines are also getting an update that includes new rules that will tie your individual ESG score to your ability to secure lending.

Being that it’s still new, there is not too much that is completely known about how it will be used and what regulations will improve or correct your score. In many cases, people are generally unaware that they even have an ESG score unless they happen to come across it in the process of doing something totally unrelated.

For example, consumers who have accounts with Merrill Lynch will be able to view their score, whatever that may be. While this may sound like tales out of China, it is a system that is, in fact, being implement in the US and soon many other nations.

Lenders will use this system to choose who they extend services or credit to. The main reason is that companies, including lenders, are being graded according to the ESG standards themselves.

Their business and prosperity depend directly on their hiring practices, gender diversity, social and environmental impact, and other ESG factors. As they are required to prove their case, they will also need to show that their clients meet the standards they are being graded on.

A few different things will determine your personal ESG score, many of which can be discovered via your regular credit report and other public records. Your purchase history and also your sales history will have a dramatic effect on your ESG rating as a person.

The charities that you support will also increase or even decrease your ESG score. The platform will track your personal impact in the environment around you through various means, which will also be used to calculate your individual ESG score.

The purpose behind each person being assigned an individual ESG score is to help reward actions that will help move the world towards sustainability. While there are not currently any downsides to having an ESG score, regardless of how high or how low, there will come a time where too low of a score can result in denials for loans or services similar to the way credit scores currently function.

For now, ESG scores for individuals are used as a tracking tool for companies to monitor behavior. For those who have already started using ESG scores as part of their business model, some people with good scores may notice lucrative offers, easier loan terms, and even targeted packages designed to reward green or sustainable behaviors.

There are a few different places you can check to find your score. If you hold an account at a major financial firm such as Meryl Lynch, your personal ESG score will be listed on your account with your other personal details. You can also check any of the main ESG monitoring companies’ websites.

Usually, you will need to create an account or contact them directly to get information regarding your personal score.

If you are not an investor or don’t have a big financial account, it can be difficult to get your score from traditional places. However, you can calculate your score to get a better idea of how companies view you in sustainability.

ESG ratings are based on the measure of behaviors, investments, habits, and other actions gathered from a range of public sources. Your score may be adjusted depending on a range of factors, including the company’s policies from which your score is delivered.

ESG scores take a lot of information into account when it comes to commercial and industrial entities. On a personal level, just as much information is used to create a picture of who you are and how your personal actions influence the world around you.

Buying a gun, alcohol, or even clothing will all affect your overall ESG score. Not only will your purchases matter, but who you purchase from and how they do business.

Your political affiliations also factor into your personal ESG score. Aside from the politics in governance, the party you support and even the person you vote for will make your score go up or down based on that person’s actions, policies, and voting habits.

The type of car you drive, how often, and even how many people are in the car when you drive will also come into play when deciding your score.

Unlike credit scores with a clear method of tabulation, cause, and effect, ESG scores depend on a wide variety of factors that most people have yet to consider. Depending on where you live, even calculating a personal ESG score can mean giving up your rights to basic privacy.

Continue reading the article to find out how to calculate your own ESG.  

Now, how can we put a stop to this thing?!  

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