Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Shame on Oregon’s Department of Education!

Read the DailyWire article (link below) to see which states and school districts have spent money on.CRT propaganda rather than to keep kids healthy.  

After reading through Oregon’s Proposed American Rescue Plan, I came away appalled at the. Lack of focus on the health purpose of the federal funds requested.  Nothing was left out.  Every education program ever invented was thrown into the 100-page document - no purpose too small or disconnected from the pandemic was overlooked.  The authors of the plan twisted themselves into pretzels to find ways to make a link for regular programming to squeeze into the funding requirements.  It is a shameful game played out on every level and every department of government, callously using our tax dollars to further bureaucrats’ plans.  Read it at risk to your mental health.


 Schools Got $130B To Re-Open. Some Of It Went To CRT. Now Many Are Closed.

Here's how states actually spent money that was supposed to allow them to deal with COVID.

DailyWire. January 4, 2022.  By Luke Rosiak

On President Joe Biden’s first day in office, he told Americans that delivering $130 billion in supplementary funding to schools through his American Rescue Plan (ARP) would “provide schools the resources they need to reopen safely.”

“We can [open schools] if we give school districts, communities, and states the clear guidance they need as well as the resources they will need,” he said.

They got the money. Yet this month, schools in numerous districts will be closed, citing an inability to deal with the Omicron variant, despite receiving money that could have gone towards mitigation, protection, and preventative measures. That, it turns out, could be in part due to a bait-and-switch, with money passed into law under the guise of public health being used for racial ideology instead.

In August, the Department of Education published strategies for using the money. “Rebuilding from COVID-19 is an opportunity,” the document said, for a “culture shift” and the “establishment of equitable practices… One example of how a district is using a performance assessment in a culturally and linguistically responsive way is the Chicago Public School’s Curriculum Equity Initiative.”

Oregon said bluntly that it has “incorporated an equity informed, antiracist stance and anti-oppressive stance throughout this application and intends to continue this practice as we implement the programs described in this application.”

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