Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Can Oregon learn from Europe before it’s too late?

 Humans are supposed to be intelligent beasts, capable of learning from their predecessors, so here’s our chance.  Is there anyone in Salem or Washington DC brave enough to speak the truth and reverse the path we’re on?  

A European Revelation on Climate

The EU admits nuclear and natural gas are part of the energy solution.

Wall Street Journal, January 3, 2022. Editorial Board

Could this winter’s energy crisis be shocking Europe into climate realism? Believe it or not, the European Union is set to include nuclear and natural gas on the list of industries eligible for “green” investments. Someone please pass the smelling salts to the Sierra Club.

If environmentalists mean what they say about the urgency of cutting CO2 emissions, nuclear is the only widely available power source that’s zero-emitting and more reliable than wind or solar. In a world far from ready to wean itself off fossil fuels, natural gas stands out as much lower emitting than others. The growth in natural gas to account for about one-third of United States electricity generation in 2019 helps explain the roughly 14% decline in gross CO2 emissions since the mid-2000s.

But at least Europe is correcting some of the errors of its last generation of green industrial policy. Ending the regulatory bias against natural gas in particular will balance the scales after subsidies and mandates for renewables made natural gas uneconomical and steered investment toward cheaper but dirtier coal.

All of this has implications for the U.S., where the Biden Administration is still fantasizing that solar and wind power can soon replace all fossil fuels. If Europe can admit the truth, how about the White House?


3 Ways Small Modular Reactors 
Overcome Existing Barriers to Nuclear Power

Scientific American By  on 
The Tennessee Valley Authority plans to build the first U.S. small modular nuclear reactor facility, paving the way for the next generation of nuclear power in the United States.

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