Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Planning Commission Goals

The Planning Commission acts as the City of Lake Oswego's State-mandated Commission for Cotizen Involvement.  Be sure to let the Commission know how you think Citizen Involvement on land use issues can be improved.  Be specific about where you believe problems exist, and make suggestions to make citizen input on the future of our city more meaningful.
The following announcement is found on the Council Digest webpage - located in the Public Affairs Department section of the City website.  Perhaps the first suggestion should be better notification to citizens about opportunities to connect with City Boards and Commissions. ;)


The Lake Oswego Planning Commission (also serving as Commission for Citizen Involvement) is reviewing potential goals for 2017 and is seeking input from the community.  The Planning Commission’s roles and responsibilities, along with a list of its current projects and 2016 goals, can be found on the Planning Commission webpage, click here.
The Commission invites the community to provide feedback in one of the following ways:
  • E-mail your written comments to the Planning Commission at PlanningCommission@LakeOswego.city, no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 9.
  • Attend the Planning Commission’s January 9 meeting to share your comments. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber.
The City Council will review the proposed Planning Commission goals and may provide direction at their 2017 Goal Setting meeting in January.

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