Monday, January 2, 2017

12 days to comment on Council goals

2017 City Council Goals 

Is there something you would like your city council to work on in 2017?  Now is the time to comment.  Ask today (January 1, 2017), there are 12 days left to comment online through Open City Hall.  

I heard from other sources that there was an option to comment on Council goals, but had to go searching to find out how to do it.

The following announcement was found under the City Manger Department of the City website:
City of Lale Oswego Home Page >  Departments > City Manager Home > Programs > Open City Hall > City Council Goals for 2017.

One would think that the City Council didn't care about what citizens had to say at all. If so, they would have made sure this inadequate effort would have been given higher priority and visibility.  Even if they ignored everything citizens wrote, it still makes for good PR to look like one is interested in what citizens have to say.

If you have the time and feel like it would do some good, go ahead and give it your best.  While you're at it, see what is going on with our Stormwater Permit Renewal - another much beleaguered and politicized subject.

Open City Hall

What goals should your City Council set to accomplish in 2017?

12 days left before deadline

This topic has 33 visitors and 7 statements: 6 registered statements and 1 unregistered statement. That's 21 minutes of public comment @ 3 minutes per statement. The deadline for participation is 5:00 PM on January 13, 2017.
Go to the topic 

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