Saturday, November 5, 2016

How to ruin a city just like Portland

Is this what we want for Lake Oswego?  
How about multi-family, row-housing, skinny and tiny houses and cluster (courtyard or cottage) housing in your neighborhood?  Maybe in someone else's...?

This came from a friend who lives in SW Portland from her Nextdoor neighborhood website:  how long before it is introduced region-wide to solve a government-caused housing affordability crisis.

Public Hearings on Proposed Zoning 
changes to densify your neighborhood 
November 9th and 16th   at 2 pm   
Written testimony accepted 
Attention Neighbors    
As citizens we attended Residential Infill Project (RIPSAC) meetings for the last 10 months. The Project’s goal was to preserve long standing and cherished neighborhoods while accommodating current and future residents.  

We were aghast to witness developers and so called “housing advocates” bulldoze through this re-zoning proposal which would allow multifamily dwellings in single family neighborhoods throughout the city.  This, despite the city’s own studies indicating that there is enough land to accommodate projected growth over the next 20 years without any zoning changes.

We all want suitable and affordable housing.  However, the proposal as written will not create affordable housing, and would destroy the integrity of existing neighborhoods.   It would dramatically increase demolitions of existing homes and increase displacement. 

Find the entire Proposal, and a 4 page summary at
If approved, this Proposal would allow: 
  • 2 ½ story Duplexes on most R5 lots in single dwelling zones,  Triplexes on corners, Reduced off street parking, and a meager  12x12 ft minimum for “outdoor recreation”. 
  • No attempt to respect Neighborhood character, despite being a top priority voiced in public testimony. 
  • No truth in zoning, making the concept of single dwelling zones meaningless. 
  • Would encourage demolitions and escalate land prices and favors developers and landlords over homeowners. 
  • Has no requirement for “affordability” 
Increasing density in the 2-3 blocks near urban centers is a good idea, and is in fact already in the city plan. But this proposal defines “nearby” as a quarter of a mile, effectively rezoning 65 % of the city. 
RIPSAC committee members who oppose this proposal have put forward an alternative that allows increased density in appropriate areas, while maintaining and respecting the character of existing neighborhoods.    

Public Hearings: Portland City Council Chambers                  
Wednesday November 9th and 16th  2 pm             

How do I testify at City Council?           
You may testify in person by signing up when you arrive (sign up starts at 1)
You can also testify in writing:   Mail: 1221 SW Fourth Ave. Room 130, Portland, Oregon 97204 or Via email: Written testimony must be received by the time of the last hearing on November 16, include name and address.

All meetings held in Council Chambers at City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Avenue. The public hearings will be broadcast live at

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