Saturday, November 5, 2016

Did you help pay for this?

Are you proud 
of how your hard-earned money was spent?  
Do you wish you had burned it instead?  
  • Each mailing costs about $7,000* depending on size of piece and how many addresses it gets sent to. 
  • Color glossy mailer count:  FOLO - 8  incl. 3 negative ads;  Studebaker for LO Mayor - 5 incl. 1 negative ad;  Friends of Jon Gustafson - 2;  Friends of Theresa Kohlhoff - 1.  Jon LaMotte and Dave Berg - 0;  O'Neill, and Collins  - Unknown.  
  • Attention: The attack ad that appeared to come from Dave Berg (same colors, font, design, etc.) was a hoax done by Friends of Lake Oswego. See Dave's website:     Note: Organizers and contributors of this PAC are NOT Friends of Lake Oswego!
* Full campaign accounting won't occur until after the election.  Look for In-Kind Contributions for unpaid campaign assistance and advertising.

This is all I do anymore - just report about trash.  It really makes me feel bad.  Most people will have voted by the end of the weekend, so thankfully there can't be much more left, although the bad feelings and rancor will continue well past the election.  Great job keeping it civil!

Shall we go through the names of who contributed to the nastiest of the lot?

Local supporters of Gustafson and Kohlhoff whose names are on one of the [NOT] Friends of Lake Oswego attack ads are:

  • Joe Buck, Lake Oswego City Councilor
  • Judie Hammerstad, former Mayor, Lake Oswego
  • Ann Lininger, Democratic State Representative
  • Darlene Hooley, Democratic US Congresswoman, retired

All the mailers I received this season 
plus the Mt. Park letter sent by the Studabaker campaign:

Kent Studabaker  |    Jon Gustafson and Theresa Kohlhoff   

[Not] Friends of Lake Oswego
Those responsible for the attack ads that sullied people's reputations 
should step up and apologize - loudly and publicly!   
Integrity , humility and a sense of shame demand it.  

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