Monday, July 20, 2015

Just make it stop

Somehow it doesn't feel any better that we are not alone in Lake Oswego.  How did Central Planners become more important than the citizens who pay their salaries?

Election highlights conflict between urban and suburban values
Citizen's View by Rebecca Adams

Favorite quote:  "According to this system (New Urbanism Planning), our existing codes and laws are regulatory barriers which must be changed."

Multnomah neighbors debate proposed development 
The Southwest Community Connection, July 1, 2015  By Kelsey O'Halloran

While some favor the four-story apartment and retail complex, others say it doesn't fit

Favorite quote:  "What we have here is unique, and it's worth something," [Bernie] Bonn says.  The development, she added, "would be the beginning of most of the Village being redeveloped to be something very different than what it is now."

Arch Bridge development rears its head again
West Linn Tidings, July 16, 2015
Readers' Letters  Written By Bob Muehe, West Linn

Favorite quote:  The staff at City Hall proposes to change our codes to fit this [Arch Bridge] plan.  Doing that might fulfill their ambitions, but it spits in the face of the Weat Linn citizens who deserve better alternatives.

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