Monday, July 20, 2015

Got those bets in?

Better hurry on your office pool - the "will he or won't he" bet about Kessi starting demolition of the Wizer building before all legal challenges are done - things are heating up!

You might want to change that bet a bit or start another one.  It appears Kessi's group already has permits to remove trees from the site, though I hope not the Japanese maple tree on the corner of 1st and A Ave.  Will the tile murals be saved too?  They also have permits for demolition, excavation, and construction of the new buildings.  ( Go to Oregon e-permitting search - enter address of property to see permits)

There is another wrinkle to Kessi's plans besides the court appeal - the tree removal permit expires September 1, one month shy of the expiration date of the Glass Butterfly's lease.  Tree cutting and other demolition work on site would disrupt business at the store which could bring legal action of its own.  What would Gene do?

Will he or won't he (Kessi) disturb the "quiet enjoyment" of the leaseholder and his right to conduct business?   (Show your support for the last local business on the block and shop there before the whole building is gone.)

Will he or won't he defy the courts if they ultimately rule against the development by having the construction already underway?

Will 2 years of construction, or the final development on the Wizer block destroy existing businesses downtown, more than it has already?

I understand the eagerness of the Evergreen Group investors to begin their project while interest rates are favorable. In their rush to build, they should not crush the legal rights of a local businessman, nor defy the courts if they lose an appeal of their project.  My hope is that time and money will not be in their favor, and that our town can be spared.  Lake Oswego is worth more than the money these unknown investors are betting on.

There are a lot of ways to play your bets on this project, but better get it done quickly!  Things are moving fast - just as Kessi warned us they would.

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