Thursday, February 12, 2015

Smart Growth: Choices or Profits

The disappearing American Dream:
It's not because Americans don't dream anymore.  
  • Who is driving the high-density transformation of cities?  
  • What is happening to single family homes in the inner city?  (Like Portland's bungalow/streetcar neighborhoods.)
  • Who is benefiting from Smart Growth? 
  • What is happening to established neighborhoods?
  • How do businesses at some transit areas succeed while at other areas they fail to take hold?
  • Do we need planners to promote theoretical growth models, or should the market decide what works best?
  • What can citizens do to re-establish control over the future of their towns?  
  • What is happening to Americans' choice Bout where and how they live?q
All good questions.  Watch this 6-minute video from Reason TV and then think about each question.

CA vs. The Suburbs: Planners, Smart Growth, and The Manhattan Delusion


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