Monday, February 16, 2015

Kitzhaber's big green line

For some people, nothing is ever enough.  Some people believe their cause is more important than any law or regulation.  This opens the door to dishonesty, deceit and corruption. This is the big green line Governor Kitzhaber has crossed.

When corporations and politicians saw
an opportunity to capitalize on the environmental movement, they created an industry to advance their goals.  Without public disclosure or majority support, the eco-conscious movement was co-oped by a network of corporate welfare recipients and impassioned activists to support government spending on favored projects. It's called Greenwashing: Use a sympathetic cause or create an immediate danger as an excuse to further one's goals:

The Green movement has become big business.  A new career path has opened for millions of people, and most of it is run on public dollars. Big government at all levels, holding hands with big industries. . 

So we come to the Governor Kitzhaber debacle and his arrogance about the way he conducted the state's business to further his, and others' causes.  Ethics and honesty were replaced by Greenwashing.

The February 14-15, 2015 Wall Street Journal editorial ends with a good description of our collective dilemma in politics today - Greenwashing and politicians who do not know where to draw the line.  Read excerpt below:

Green Love is Blind

Liberal influence-peddling topples Oregon's Governor.

All of this has shocked the local political class, which likes to think of itself as pure as its best liberal intentions. But the Hayes-Kitzhaber operation exposes the underside of the big-money, insider politics that has come to dominate the environmental movement.  The green machine is a network of wealthy foundations and consultant groups that finance activists who promote and advise sympathetic politicians.  Putting or keeping people on the payroll who are close to influential politicians is their stock in trade.  

It isn't clear how much Mr. Kitzhaber knew about his fiancee's business dealings, but it is clear he didn't bother much with finding out. His resignation statement expresses incredulity that no one would question his ethics and blamed the media.  Good liberal motives absolve everything.  Oregon voters deserve better, and new Governor Kate Brown, the current Secretary of State, would do a public service by digging into this larger network of environmental profiteers.

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