Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Oregon in the dark about energy

It's hard to believe that Oregon is considering going down this destructive path towards higher energy costs for families, businesses and all consumers.  Redistribution of the tax to effect "equitiblilty" is nothing more than wealth distribution and the ability to control yet another essential part of our lives.

This IS NOT about climate change!  People won't use less gas to get to their jobs or to shop, and they won't use less natural gas or heating oil to heat or cool their homes.  But they WILL pay more of their disposable income for the privilege of doing so, plus more for consumable goods and services - the food they eat, the plumber that fixes the leaky pipe, the furniture delivery truck. The places people will cut back is where they spend what's left of their disposable income.  The damage to the economy will affect jobs and negatively impact the poor the most.  This is a short-sighted political concept without a reasonable or responsible outcome.
Broad outlines of a new carbon tax in Oregon get positive response from legislative committee.
The Oregonian, September 15, 2014  By Dana Tims

A new tax on carbon in Oregon could raise as much as $2 billion annually, a state legislative panel heard Monday. As proposed, the tax would be "revenue-neutral," meaning all of its proceeds would be "repatriated" to residents and businesses through lower taxes and other means. (Matt Brown/Associated Press)

Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2014  By Rob Taylor and Riahonnan Hoyle

Australia Becomes First Developed Nation to Repeal Carbon Tax

Tony Abbott Pledged to Get Rid of the Tax Last Year

CANBERRA, Australia—After almost a decade of heated political debate, Australia has become the world's first developed nation to repeal carbon laws that put a price on greenhouse-gas emissions.

Opinion:  Why Australia Ditched Its Carbon Tax - VIDEO
Wall Street Journal, July 24, 2014

Institute of Public Affairs Director of Development and Communications James Paterson explains why Australia became the first nation to repeal its carbon tax. 

Opinion:The Stealth Carbon Tax  - VIDEO
Wall Street Journal, February 29, 2012

Manhattan Institute senior fellow Robert Bryce on how electricity prices are skyrocketing in states with renewable energy mandates. 

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