Sunday, September 14, 2014

Candidate and Issue Forums October 5 and 12

LOCAL (Lake Oswego Citizens Action League) is hosting 2 candidate forums for the community to hear the five candidates for City Council talk about their positions on topics important to the citizens of Lake Oswego.

LOCAL is a nonpartisan organization formed in 2012 to bring factual information to Lake Oswego citizens.  Their website is

USC Disclaimer:  I am a member of LOCAL and support their activities.
          Welcome to Lake Oswego Citizens Action League.         

Five candidates are running for three open council seats in the November 4 election. LOCAL will be interviewing all the candidates individually as well as sponsoring a candidate forum on Sunday, October 12th. After the candidate forum, we will announce our endorsements based on LOCAL's five values:

  • Prioritizing local needs
  • Ensuring fiscal responsibility
  • Focusing on essential city services
  • Preserving local community character
  • Respecting all citizens and their rights
LOCAL will also be sponsoring two issues forums. This is a great way to learn more about City issues and ask questions of community members who are familiar with particular issues.

Mark your calendars: LOCAL Issues and Candidate Forums:
  • Issues Forum: Sunday, October 5, 3:00 to 5:00 pm, Lakeridge High School Auditorium
  • Candidate Forum: Sunday, October 12th 3:00 to 5:00 pm, Lake Oswego High School Auditorium
Read about the candidates and their positions on a few issues here.

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