Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Truth Posse rides again!

…because the spin-misters are at it - again.  

This means it's time to call out the Truth Posse!  

Here's how the Wizer-Kessi team is spinning their rebuff by the DRC 
in a blast email sent out a few days ago: 
(with Truth Posse comments in red) 

The DRC vote and next steps
Whenever you hear "next steps," run!  It's newspeak for what someone is planning to do to you next.

The July 30th Development Review Commission hearing completed the first step in the approval or disapproval process for our redesigned Wizer block.  The Commissioners walked through each of the approval criteria.  By straw votes, a majority of the Commission found that the project met all of the code requirements, including the criteria that implement village character.  Uh, please review the video.  Early on, most of the commissioners didn't know what codes they were even talking about.  In many cases, the positive straw votes were unanimous in support.  The Commission also supported the exceptions.  When you say "Commission," do you mean all of the commissioners?  Of the four exceptions, one was supported by a 3-2 vote in favor and the rest by unanimous votes in favor.

Ultimately, Commissioner Needham moved to deny the project and that motion narrowly passed 3-2.  The vote to deny was unpredictable coming after hours of discussion on how the project met the code.  Not unpredictable, but disappointing for you. There are big, massive, reasons the project does not meet the codes, so meeting some of them isn't enough.  

There was very little specificity in the reasons given for denial but it seemed to be based, for the most part, on the roof line along A Street, the overall size and the belief that the code required more retail on the site. Yes, and the "belief" that the code means what it says - an assembly of small-scale structures and first floor retail. 

It is a hallmark of an effective land use process that the code be predictable and fairly applied.  On these grounds, the ultimate vote was very troubling for this project and future projects.  What is troubling is that the project application was able to get a recommendation from the planning department at all.  It never should have gotten to the DRC until the basic requirements of the code were met.  Predictability went out the window when staff failed to evaluate your project with the same criteria used for other projects downtown.

We now turn our efforts towards the City Council.  Of course.  Isn't this what the public opinion push is all about?  We have made a significant investment in this community, no, you made a significant investment in yourselves! on this site and in this process and we are dedicated to seeing it through to a successful completion.  I heard Commissioner Needham say that some applicants create projects without thinking about the intent of the code, and then complain when their application is found wanting.  If the design had been more mindful from the beginning, it could have been different, but this is the path you chose.  

We will remain confident that the City Council will closely review the positive staff report the one that should never have passed first base and apply both clear and objective standards and the approval criteria from the city code.  The codes are clear and objective, but not to those who want to do their own thing.

We will stand on our record of accuracy on the facts and encourage a civil discourse on any element of our proposal.  Civil discourse?  The hearing isn't a political debate - it's a quasi-judicial proceeding.  Perhaps you are talking about letters to the editor.  Implying your opponents are not civil is ... well, just uncivil!  

We are proud of this project, and thankful for such strong community support.  It does seem to come from one cohort however - the borrow and build and densify and streetcar group.  Can you do this without TIFF - public subsidies?  

We will need your help more than ever can we help you with your design? as we go to City Council and we will contact you just as soon as we have more details.  Details! Now you have my interest!!  We expect a hearing date in early to mid-September.

By any standard maybe Portland standards  our re-design is compatible with both the size and scale of its neighbors. It respects the code part of the code as the Commissioners found on July 30th - height, density, parking, open spaces and architectural style. But not village character!  The mix of residents, retail, commercial and open spaces will complete the core exactly the way it was envisioned.  Uh, the downtown "shopping core" includes four blocks. The people who were there decades ago during the actual visioning process do not agree!  

* * * * *
Well, it's time to mosy on home.  I do believe we've done our work here, though a Sherrif's work is never done, be in' as how we're always lookin' for those pesky half-truths and self-serving hokem.  The townsfolk are mighty good, law abiding people and will let us know when those city slickers come sniffin' around.

Adios until the next time.  And hang onto your spurs and keep your horse a-ready, cuz we might have to do this again real soon!

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