Tuesday, August 5, 2014

LIDAR imaging

Light Detection And Ranging

The state's mapping and imaging systems are exciting and beautiful.  Below are some images that seem otherworldly, but are from Oregon.  What will the state do with this imaging tool?  Watch the City Council meeting from July 21 for the agenda item about Sensitive Lands.  If one has the ability to count trees, how long will it be before all our trees are counted and "owned" by the state?  Because they can, at some point they probably will - misuse this wonderful tool.



  1. Wonder what this cost the state to get and to operate ongoing. Is it worth it?

  2. The reports I have read say the information on slide hazards and fault zones has been extremely accurate. What does the state do with all of the information? I'm not an earth scientist, but after the information is collected, I assume then the legislators and bureaucrats use it for something.
