Wednesday, July 16, 2014

LOCAL survey hits the mark

LOCAL, Lake Oswego Citizens' Action League, just released it's citizen attitude survey on local political issues.  (LOCAL is listed on Blog list in right menu column:  ( See the survey and more on their website.  The survey results include commentary from the respondents that is also very important regarding their concerns for the city.

We cannot afford the old government's "vision" for our town.  Government has intruded into our lives, our pocketbooks and our backyards too much and we need to change the agenda at City Hall - and Metro.  As you can see, tied for 2nd place as a concern is "Staff driving city agenda vs elected officials.  While some inroads have been made, there is a long ways to go and we can't afford to have the status quo further degrade the quality of life in Lake Oswego in the meantime.

Results of LOCAL's Summer Survey

LOCAL recently conducted a non-scientific survey in order to identify those issues which our citizens and voters are most concerned about as we head into the Fall Election. Respondents were asked to rank 10 issues listed in alphabetical order on a scale of 1 to 5 in terms of which ones they are least and most concerned about. 1 = Unconcerned. 2 = Somewhat Concerned. 3 = Concerned. 4 = Very Concerned. 5 = Extremely Concerned. Here is a summary of results aggregated from nearly 300 responses:
  • "Fiscal Responsibility" was the area of most concern at 4.2.
  • "Staff Driving City Agenda (Versus Elected Officials)" and "Water Rates" tied for second at 4.0.
  • "Property Use Restrictions (Also Known As Sensitive Lands)" ranked fourth at 3.8.
  • "Block 137 Project (Also Known As 'The Wizer Project') came in fifth at 3.7.
  • "Current City Development Code" and "Density" tied for sixth at 3.5.
  • "Street Maintenance" and the "West End Building (WEB)" tied for eighth.
  • "Bike/Pedestrian Paths" was dead last as an area of concern at 2.3.
With fiscal responsibility being paramount on the minds of LO citizens, it is important to note that in the coming election three City Council positions will be contested. What that means is that citizens will have an opportunity to again elect fiscally conservative Council members to ensure we continue to have a fiscally conservative Council majority, rather than return to the free-spending days of prior administrations which have resulted in our current ever-rising water and tax bills.

Fiscal responsibility, water rates are top concerns for residents, PAC says
The Oregonian  |  July 14, 204  |  By Michael Bamesburger

Lake Oswego residents are most concerned about fiscal responsibility, water rates and a city staff-driven agenda, according to a non-scientific survey conducted a local political action committee.
The Lake Oswego Citizens Action League, or LOCAL, received close to 300 responses to a survey asking residents to rank their level of concern regarding 10 city issues. The survey was sent to members of the group's email list, which contains about 2500 email addresses, said member Cheryl Salamie. 

"We hear the community saying loud and clear that they want their tax money spent wisely," she said. 

In addition, Salamie noted that the bike and pedestrian paths that are a focus of the proposed update to the city's Transportation System Plan are ranked very low. 

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