Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Five days to Round 2

In five days, the Development Review Commission will continue its public hearing on the building permit application for the Wizer Block (Block 137).  I predict it will be SRO at the hearing, but that's a safe bet considering the attendance at the first hearing and the interest in the topic.

  Development Review Commission  
        Public Hearing        
    Land Use Case LU 13-0046          
         Monday, July 21, 2014       
              6:00 pm           
             City Hall          

Unless I am very much off the mark, you can expect to see the Chamber of Commerce, members of KLOG (Keep Lake Oswego Great), and members of The Coalition testifying at the hearing in favor of the development.  The membership in each of these organizations overlaps so the total number is not that of three discrete groups but three groups, each with a slightly different focus. Not he emphasis is on greater density and commercial development of the East End Redevelopment District (Downtown) with the expectation that more people will mean more customers for downtown businesses.  I have a suspicion that they are wrong, or at least the negatives will outweigh the positives so that dense development will not be the plus these groups anticipated.

In opposition to the development will be members of Save Our Village and LOCAL who are committed to lower density development and the retention of the small town character of Lake Oswego which defines the superior quality of life people moved here to enjoy.  The Wizer Block development is the wrong development in the wrong place, and it is just too massive for anyplace in the "small scale" "village" Town Centers.

If you have something to say about the development, get your written testimony in to the DRC quickly (by Friday if you want it read over the weekend) and/or come to the hearing on Monday evening.  Please don't be intimidated to take the microphone and speak to your Commissioners; they are Lake Oswego residents and may even be your neighbors.  This is your opportunity to have a say in how you want your city to develop.  But first you should review the Revised Development Narrative, Revised Drawing Set and Revised Code Evaluation PLUS the brand new Revised Parking Study.  Read the narratives with a critical eye and you can find a lot to talk about.

Search city website using keyword: LU 13-0046
Look for all new documents - June 2014 to date

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