Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This guy's bike is bigger than yours

Lake Oswego 100 Mile Challenge

Can you walk, bike, or take public transit for a 100 miles in 2014?

Take the Challenge and enjoy the many rewards of leaving your car at home!

Here's my contribution to the human-powered, active transportation movement.  We used to call it bicycling, but then, this isn't a bike, it's a death-trap.

If sitting precariously over two storeys high on nothing more than a bit of steel tubing wasn’t dangerous enough. Stoopid Tall doesn’t have any brakes. Presumably because if it were to stop, then the next thing that would happen is Mr. Trimble would hit the ground like a sack of sh… well, you know what I mean. Thankfully a small army of helpers aided Trimble in his journey, acting as ground crew and pathfinders during his little jaunt.
The video below gives you a unique perspective on the urban environment 
as seen by Trimble last weekend.

Source: Richard Trimble via Autoblog

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