Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Solutions for the rest of us

Guiltless transport for "healthy government" refuseniks 

The Lake Oswego 100 Mile Challenge is a guilt-inducer for the unhealthy, the bad-kneed, bad- hipped, sports-injured, comfortably lazy, harried worker, the elderly and frail, the ultra busy parent and latch-key child.  We could all be doing more and we know it.  Oh, the guilt!  I'm weak and I know it!

But there's a silver lining - a ray of hope.  On the City website, there is an image of 3 people on Segways that advertises the 100 Mile Challenge.  I was discouraged that the Challenge was only for human-powered, "active" transportation, so when I saw other possibilities on the City home page, I was intrigued.  I think that we are just supposed to transport ourselves by means other than carbon-spewing cars, so here are a few of the options I found that I would enjoy.

Up Sucker Creek (Reduntantly) Active and Semi-Active Transportation Criteria:  
  • No gasoline or other carbon-based fuel allowed
  • Human power preferred, but renewable energy permitted
  • Human-scale; individual mode, or tandem methods max.
  • Can operate on pre-existing transportation infrastructure (roads, bike paths, sidewalks, paths, etc.)
  • Is fun to use!
Some think Segways are just for family fun.  No more!  
Military bomb squad. 

Police patrols.                        SWAT teams.

Darth Vader going to battle.
Commuting to work. (No sweat and no showers needed!)
Segway polo.  (Also Segway golf and other sports.)


Pizza delivery.
    Kid making himself sick.
    Off-trail Segways to replace obnoxious off-trail bikes.

On-trail Segway users running off little old ladies - looks like fun!     

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