Friday, June 6, 2014

Old and new

Wizer Block Ver. 2
See if you can spot the differences between the original and the new designs.
Has the developer:  1) broken the buildings up?   2) reduced the massing?  3) provided enough relief to the facade to make it less bulky?  4) made the development complementary (mass and design) with its surroundings?

New design
Note: Lake View Village is on the right, Block 137 is on the left.  Note that the building on the left appears to be the same or similar size as those on the right.  When drawn in perspective, objects in the rear appear smaller than they really are.
 Original design

New design 
  Original design 

New design
Original design
New design
 Original design
Facade changes are distinct here, but what 
about building setbacks and volumes?

Original design - as seen from Millennium Park.
I could not find a new design from this viewpoint, but as far as I can tell, the height and size of the buildings will remain about the same as originally designed, so one could expect them to rise above the park at about the same height. The treetops in the background are from Evergreen St. below.

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