Saturday, June 7, 2014

It's getting hot in here

Why is global warming, aka climate change, aka climate disruption so important?

Because it is the basis for most of the land use decisions being made today.  The other reason is population growth, but clearly climate anxiety is at the forefront of decision-making about transportation, land use, and daily behavioral patterns of humans.  If the science is not right, what then is driving the political decisions about how we live in the future and what we will be permitted and forbidden to do?  I agree that we have a problem looming in the future and that we may have reached the tipping point already, but it isn't global climate change that's so concerning, it's political overreach and control of our lives.

Global [Warming?] Forever

In 2014, the U.S. Postal Service introduces Global: Sea Surface Temperatures, a new Forever® international rate stamp.
This round stamp features a visual representation of our planet’s sea surface temperatures. It shows the Earth with North America at the center and parts of South America, Asia, and Europe just visible on the edges, surrounded by vivid bands of color throughout the oceans. The image is one frame in a 1,460-frame animation created from the output of a computer model of Earth’s climate by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. The full animation shows how the surface temperatures of the oceans vary seasonally and change over time, and how surface ocean currents and eddies transport heat and water around the globe. 

20 Years of Winter Cooling Defy Global Warming Claims

Forbes. April 2014  |  By James Taylor 
Winter temperatures throughout the United States are in a 20-year cooling trend, defying alarmist global warming predictions and debunking claims that warmer winters are causing environmental catastrophe.

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